As an autodidactic artist I consider my work "quirky" and myself an imagery artist. I have worked in many mediums and have moved from one to another to avoid it being about technique rather than what interests and excites me. Currently I am working in photography, primarily using a Pentax Full Frame, K1 II with a HD Pentax DFA 1:3.5-5.6 28-105mm ED DC WR lens. Images may be refined in post processing. I do not use Photoshop to create any images.
If I'm bored or see too few things worth capturing, I hand create an image I’d like to capture. As a self-taught artist I have little formal training to fall back on. A trash can cover when the lighting is right is as full of delightful possibilities, as the Dia de los Muertos children’s parade capturing and revealing the happy energy, or thousands of pastel x’s to punch up a large pastel work.
Few of my images are straightforward. Life has taught me to see the world via through observation streamlining it to what I uniquely see. Quirky, as defined in Webster, is characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits and or a strange chance occurrence.