Personaland Puzzles VR Game

Do you have a Quest VR Headset? Check out this Amazing VR Puzzle App!

With your Quest you can now play a puzzle game with featured Personaland art!

Check out the sneek peak of the Personaland Puzzle Quest video below:

Installation instructions:

  1. Download the Personaland Puzzle APK here:
  2. You will need to download SideQuest Advanced Installerto install the APK onto your headset from your PC or Mac.
  3. After downloading SideQuest, start SideQuest, and follow the instructions to sign in.
  4. Connect your Quest VR headset to your PC or Mac with the USB cable
  5. Open SideQuest, and click the 'Install APK File' button at the upper right:
  6. Find the PersonalandPuzzles.apk file in your downloads directory, and click OK to install it

Playing Instructions:

  1. You can disconnect your Quest from your PC/Mac so that you return to the main room
  2. Put on your headset
  3. On the main bar click the button at the far right that says 'Library'.
  4. On the top right part of the window that appears, to the left of the A-Z button, select Unknown Sources
  5. Find the app labeled "PersonalandPuzzles" and click it.
  6. You will be asked to grant permissions to access media files. Grant those permissions
  7. When the game starts you will see the Main Menu with all the different puzzles surrounding you.
  8. If you are in a swivel chair, you can spin around to see all the available puzzles around you.
  9. Put on the touch controllers
  10. Use the right joystick to turn left/right if you are not in a swivel chair.
  11. Point the laser at the puzzle you want to play and press the A button to enter it.
  12. You can change the difficulty by pointing the laser at Easy or Hard button and pressing A button to start the game.
  13. You can return to the Main Menu at any time by pointing the laser at the 'Main' button and pressing the A button.
  14. To solve the puzzle, grab each brick by putting your hand and place it in the proper position and orientation.
  15. So you don't bump anything in your room, you can comfortably sit in a chair, and navigate with the left and right controller joysticks.
    • Left Joystick moves left/right and forward/backward
    • Right joystick turns left/right and up/down

If you have any questions, issues, or feedback, we would love to hear from you!