A baby born in a prison only knows confinement / The way their life is projected could be a sad alignment
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A baby born in a prison only knows confinement
The way their life is projected could be a sad alignment
The baby never had their mom to hold them close
Or their dad to smile and tickle their toes
To play peek a boo when their feeling alone
Or ride a bike without breaking a bone
This kid never really had a home
Was awkward, shy and mentally sewn
To a world without love
The brighter their eyes sparkled The crueler the world became The less their eyes sparkled
But the cruelty of the world remained
The kid then grew to overthink
Their mind is like a kitchen sink
That has overflowed above the brink
As the person inside begins to shrink
They're grown but how do they know to love
When everything they've seen has been everything but
I just wish someone would show them how to love
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